Importance of understanding
the interrogation of the 
tissue microenvironment


Diseases are a product of the complex interactions occurring within the tissue microenvironment. A greater understanding of the cell-cell and cell-matrix communication is essential to develop new strategies for precision medicine and targeted therapies.

Read this blog to understand how the tissue microenvironment maintains homeostasis, how it influences the pathogenesis of various diseases and how a deep interrogation of this tissue microenvironment is crucial for developing new targeted therapies.



What is the tissue microenvironment?

The tissue microenvironment is made up of various dynamic cellular and non-cellular components and is unique to a particular tissue or organ. It comprises heterogeneous components such as the insoluble extracellular matrix (ECM), immune cells, stromal cells, blood vessels, extracellular vesicles (EVs), other soluble biochemical signaling molecules such as growth factors and hormones, and pH and oxygen gradients. Together, these components interact with one another and build an effective regulatory network that supports tissue function to remain in homeostasis.

The cells in the tissue microenvironment keep a check on disease progression and responses to external stimuli such as infection or injury in that tissue by responding to signals that direct cell behavior and influence their survival, proliferation, and immune response.



The importance of the tissue microenvironment

The cellular organization within the tissue microenvironment is intentional. Certain cell types are strategically organized at various distances inside the tissues, thus enabling intercellular crosstalk in two and three-dimensions.

This is like a trampoline; if someone stands on one end, it will influence whoever else is standing there. This is precisely what drives the initiation and progression of diseases. Even slight changes in the interactions between the various components of the tissue microenvironment can alter cell behaviour, leading to the development of diseases such as cancer, neurodegeneration, autoimmune disorders, infectious diseases and more.

Following are some instances of how the tissue microenvironment influences the growth of these diseases and how understanding these dynamics will help in development of potential therapies.




The tissue microenvironment changes into a tumor environment (TME) when cancer cells proliferate by secreting signals that attract other cell types.

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Changes in the components of the tissue microenvironment (the ECM and glial cells) result in neurodegeneration

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Autoimmune Disorders

Autoimmune Disorders

The tissue microenvironment can influence the function, activation, regulation, and survival of immune cells.

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Mask Group 68@2x

Infectious Diseases

The tissue microenvironment plays a critical role in infectious diseases by influencing pathogen virulence, immune

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Precision Medicine: The need of the hour

Precision Medicine:
The need of the hour

After establishing the significance of investigating the tissue microenvironment, it is now essential to

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How will Spatial Biology accelerate Precision Medicine?

Conventional methods for investigating the tissue microenvironment involve isolating cells from their microenvironment and investigating them in isolation, which removes the context in which those cellular interactions occur.

However, it is essential to comprehend how cells and molecules are organized spatially within their native tissue microenvironment.

Spatial biology is a novel area that integrates imaging tools, molecular biology, and computational approaches. It preserves the tissue under study while shedding light on the molecular and cellular aspects of the tissue microenvironment and their interactions in situ.



Targeted Bioscience: Offering an unparalleled spatial biology profiling system

Targeted Bioscience offers an unprecedented spatial biology profiling system with a unique cloud-based digital pathology technique for investigating the complex tissue microenvironment. Our cutting-edge platform incorporates the most recent advancements in the field of spatial profiling. Our innovations will speed up clinical and translational research, advancing precision medicine while also benefiting science.